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Inside the mind of Onikazi
This blog explores my musings, insights, and concepts.
Place for the Hijack crew to hang out.
Published on May 16, 2006 By
Alright heres an off topic post for ya'll
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Cosmic Fox
on Jun 24, 2006
Conquest stop trying to get attention man its so stupid and silly. You trying to make out like we are all the bad people and your okay? Making a fool out of yourself is not going to win you any friends or anyone feeling sorry for you.
Go find a website where there are other people like yourself, will you for everyone's sake and your own?
on Jun 24, 2006
Firstly Conquest, I have ADHD and Auspergers, and was formerly diagnosed with depression. Please feck off blaming what you do and the way you behave on conditions. I have lived with ADHD, and my Auspergers makes me incredibly aggresive by instinct. What do I do? Curb the instinct. Control it. ANYTHING to do with the mind is controllable.
And to your parents: Kids? I'm 16, and the only person of that age. DesertFox et al are all adults, second youngest is (I think) JJ, him being 23.
We aren't insulting conquest. He is insulting us, repeatedly, behaving in inappropriate ways, being extremely inflammatory, and caused a few members to avoid the site, due to the way he acted. Like I said, I have ADHD, yet I am able to realise what is and isn't acceptable.
I'm sorry you feel this way about the site, but he brought this upon himself.
Oh, and by the way: prozac+ADHD? You do know you ALREADY have issues with an oversensitive serontonin gland? I'm shocked at the way psychiatrists in America act. This makes a hell of a lot of sense. Depression can be a spin off from ADHD, and OVERLOADING your serontonin doesn't help. I noticed that after 10 years on medication, when I came off the bastard things I was finally able to control myself. Control is impossible when something is fucking your mind up six ways from sunday.
One last thing: Neotech was not made as a site so kids could talk to each other. Neotechgaming is a forum for games, and neotech is a business. If someone is disruptive, and causes people to leave, then it's not generally a good idea to let them stay.
Fox has been far more lenient than anyone here. I voted to remove conquest a long time ago, but was told that he had to be warned first. He was warned, then started trolling around neotech and here. That is not acceptable behaviour, and the ban was (and is) justified.
El Conquest
on Jun 24, 2006
you realize things you don't see when you talk to someone outside the forums... I have been spending way too much time in the chat rooms acting on impulses that I cannot inherently stop that is how those chat rooms work is by selective and quick action expecting quick actions and not thinking things over...
second of all I didn't tell my parents the whole story. they don't know half of what I did say that I regret saying altogether there is a command to remove previous messages that I think I will try to master and get down. other than that the ignore commands are my friends at best. I am an introvert and am not good at group chat so when I try to speak in a group there is major troubles in doing so.
I don't see the whole picture and I don't think no one ever does see the whole picture. confusion is what I see and that is all that I can explain. sorry for pestering any of you. and to be honest I hate ops so this I found on some mIRC site may help.
As of ircu2.10.02 you can start a “modeless channel” This is a channel with the prefix “+” instead of #. (e.g +chat)
Such a channel can’t have any channel operators and its mode is always set to +nt.
From this, “no topic”, “no /invite”, “no external messages” and “no bans” logically follows.
The purpose for this invention is “to create an enviroment where all users are equal and not tempted to fight about ops”. Flooding should be dealt with by either leaving the channel or using /ignore or /silence. (2.12) Making it topic-free and non-invite is to avoid flooding by topic-changing or mass-invite, or any gibbering over what todays topic should be.
now if given a chance to change my ways I will but really I don't like chat rooms and I am not a heavy chatter so I think I will keep quiet about the whole issue at hand. not to blame anyone but me for my actions on saying things I don't know are derogitory. really though Fox I don't want your advice so don't force it upon me. and Marc just shut up stop comparing me to you. there I said it I feel better about getting this out in the open. All I joined the Hijack Crew for was to converse with people and make friends out of aquantances, I know I say things for reasons that are hainous and beyond conjecture.
and another thing Marc medications effect people in different ways. you may have had some over stimulus problems with Prozac but I don't as of yet. I also Take Strattera but I haven't been taking both lately.
To conclude the frustration was building the whole time I was there so I am not suprised to see my outburst to release my frustration in this way. This is my release sorry if you cannot take this as a good thing to help me metally return to stability. also if it isn't too much I sent faery a note to bid her farewell and don't you Fox take it as me being a "Stalker" I have no intensions of hurting her so leave it that way. and to faery herself realize that I needed to release if I let it build I sink deeper into a hole and it is harder and harder to escape if I don't act.
I am Regretfully sorry that it came to me leaving Neotech but I cannot stand restraint and banning me was something I don't like but now my dad has the best advice and that is to just put it behind us if you like to create a modeless channel to work it out further and to keep me around if you wish go ahead but that is the only solution for now and I will not comprimise...
on Jun 24, 2006
For one, you know full well that Neo has teething issues, so an Opless channel is out. And what if Psycho returned? we had enough problems with that last time. There is no fighting about power at all in the channel. I respect the fact that the people who actually work of NTG get OPs. I get it occasionally because I can take care of Neo, and know the silence, devoice, kick, and ban commands.
Also, since I, you know, study medicine and stuff, I *do* know what I'm talking about. If your diagnosis of ADHD was correct, you should not be on prozac, as simple as that. In the UK, where we treat things WITHOUT doping people up, you would never have been given it.
Fox admits he should not have said the remark about your parents, but honestly that's what it is more often than not. Your parents may be wonderful caring people, but often parents can be crap.
Don't you ever DARE use ADHD as an excuse again. I would never compare myself to you. You give us who can control it a bad name. I'm sorry you feel this way about these things, but life is full of people who are different.
You have been suspended from neotechgaming for a year.
El Conquest
on Jun 24, 2006
Don't you ever DARE use ADHD as an excuse again.
I used Depression as my excuse Marc did you read that forum post at all?
For one, you know full well that Neo has teething issues,
wtf? there are many mIRC servers Marc it doesn't have to be this one. and you are stil there in Neotech are you not. The modeless channels are separate channels are they not? you can create your own channel if you want to...
Also, since I, you know, study medicine and stuff, I *do* know what I'm talking about. If your diagnosis of ADHD was correct, you should not be on prozac, as simple as that. In the UK, where we treat things WITHOUT doping people up, you would never have been given it.
Marc I take the Prozac for my Depression not ADHD. I take Strattera for ADHD...
on Jun 24, 2006
Oh I'm sorry, so medication which directly affects the areas of the brain affected by ADHD has no effect on you because you take it for depression. Of course! silly me.
Your lack of medical knowledge while being on medication astounds me. Most people like to know exactly what is being done to them. I did not once say you took Prozac for ADHD. I said you shouldn't be given it because it affects people with ADHD in negative ways.
El Conquest
on Jun 24, 2006
Are you a psychaitrist Marc? do you have a degree in that area? have you been doing that for 50 years of your life? My psychaitrist knows what he is doing and you need to just stop being so smart ass and think you know something you don't have any experience in.
El Conquest
on Jun 24, 2006
You trying to make out like we are all the bad people and your okay?
just like to point this out. I am NOT OKAY! I don't feel okay and I don't act okay! I have not been okay for years. that one thing is why I am so senstive to thinking I am different.
on Jun 24, 2006
yea well I have ADHD and aspergers too, but you know what, I'm in complete control of it. Sure I get hyper or silly sometimes, but nothing wrong with that. and yes I've had an impulsivity problem but I've learned how to deal with that.
I do take prozac, but thats mainly to help with anxiety, which I think is elevated serotonin or dunno, but yea meds have different effects on different ppl.
El Conquest
on Jun 24, 2006
The one thing I would like to say is that if JJ can control it I haven't mastered control yet then. I need to focus and release for now. that is my compesation and is the only proven method of helping me cope with the ADHD.
on Jun 24, 2006
Do I have a degree? no. Am I studying for one? Have I been studying for many years? Yes. I have far more experience and knowledge in the area than you, and know how my own damn brain works, and how ADHD works, and how the medicine related to it works. Funnily enough, because I enjoy knowing stuff, yeah. I know a hell of a lot about ADHD. And I know however different ADHD is, and coupled with depression, still does not mean you have the right to behave as you wish.
Just so you know, part of the decision to suspend you has been your lack of acceptance of responsibility. Trolling behaviour such as this, on the hijackers thread of all places, is shitting on our doorstep.
Fox and Raven are the only ones even considering a warning. If it came to a vote your ISP will be banned, because the rest of us are sick and tired of you.
El Conquest
on Jun 24, 2006
Go find a website where there are other people like yourself, will you for everyone's sake and your own?
Fox look at it this way most people don't like to talk about Depression and there problems with that desease. I am no different and faery is no different since she claims to have it as well. I think I have found the group that has commonality's with me, the group just doesn't like my method of coping with the disease and it's effects on me. Now this may sound strange but sometimes I wish people would be more considerate of my feelings and actions they are taken in steps to insure that I don't do something I don't ever want to do. i.e suicide. my confidence since release has gone up somewhat and think I can control myself more but again I guarantee nothing.
on Jun 24, 2006
What happened to the "no comparisons" rule? Don't compare yourself to faery. She is far more tolerant than you. She can handle it better than you. She is nothing like you.
on Jun 24, 2006
and another thing Marc medications effect people in different ways. you may have had some over stimulus problems with Prozac but I don't as of yet. I also Take Strattera but I haven't been taking both lately.
The one thing I would like to say is that if JJ can control it I haven't mastered control yet then. I need to focus and release for now. that is my compesation and is the only proven method of helping me cope with the ADHD.
the part about not taking your meds is likely part of the problem, because you are old enough to know that you need the meds in order to not be hyper and to be able to focus.
as far as control, I've had ADHD all my life and so I have learned how to control it, it may not be perfect control, but its good enough that I don't act like the way you were doing.
and why the heck did you bring your parents into this? sure you can ask them for advice but it sounds like they are responding FOR you, you're old enough to handle things yourself.
geez, I'm starting to sound like my dad here.
El Conquest
on Jun 24, 2006
Do I have a degree? no. Am I studying for one? Have I been studying for many years? Yes. I have far more experience and knowledge in the area than you, and know how my own damn brain works, and how ADHD works, and how the medicine related to it works. Funnily enough, because I enjoy knowing stuff, yeah. I know a hell of a lot about ADHD. And I know however different ADHD is, and coupled with depression, still does not mean you have the right to behave as you wish.
Just so you know, part of the decision to suspend you has been your lack of acceptance of responsibility. Trolling behaviour such as this, on the hijackers thread of all places, is shitting on our doorstep.
Fox and Raven are the only ones even considering a warning. If it came to a vote your ISP will be banned, because the rest of us are sick and tired of you.
Marc for one thing you may know and your experences are different and the way you treat me is a sign you need to control yourself if you wish to become anything in that field of study. My psychaiatrist don't come to me saying what the fuck you think you are saying? they try to resolve in peaceful ways and less irrational ways. Fox is more understanding towards this and is more civil and controlled and for my sake going to eventually put this behind him too.
I am saying this you need to look at what you are saying as much as I do...
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