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Inside the mind of Onikazi
This blog explores my musings, insights, and concepts.
Place for the Hijack crew to hang out.
Published on May 16, 2006 By
Alright heres an off topic post for ya'll
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113 Pages
El Conquest
on Jun 21, 2006
Fun until people ban others... Shesh I hate ops..
on Jun 22, 2006
Wade, conquest is a lunatic who has been harrasing all of the Hijackers, and many neotech members, so he has been banned. He has been nothing but aggrovation and hassle for a long time. And it's good riddance too.
on Jun 23, 2006
Wow. That seems like quite a "falling out" between the original...proprietors of the crew.
and if anyone else is wondering where we went, we now live at #thegamingvault on IRC and at Link
at neotechgaming.com the new home of the hijackers.
Is this still the case as to where I can find you all? I'm not sure what the "IRC" but I haven't used Stardock Central chat much. Is it still "#thegamingvault" by typing "/join" or some thing?
From time to time I'll check Stadock Central chat with that room adress I guess as well as this Neotech gaming site. What games do they host?
You can find me at
and at [link="http://www.strategyfirst.com/forum/cgi/ultimatebb.cgi?category=9"]http://www.strategyfirst.com/forum/cgi/ultimatebb.cgi?category=9">Link
I'm looking forward to the Galactic Civilizations II: Dark Avatar expansion; as well as Space Empires V.
EDIT: Wow...my line breaks are finally working here.
on Jun 23, 2006
Hey I just went to the Neotech home page. They show Space Empires there! You may see more of me there now; but also at Shrapnel.
I also went to the above line for Neotech and saw The Highjacker's Guild. I look into that too.
El Conquest
on Jun 23, 2006
Well hey I may be a lunatic due to my illness, but it has also never stopped me from my goals... I try my hardest to overcome what I can but apparently people just don't understand... medication to me is only going to make the problem dilute not go away... It is still there and Fox just gave me a PM which says it is my Fucked up family that is the reason... Now that crosses the border of pure hate, My familiy is not in any way fucked up... we try our best to get along and get going my dad does all he can to support us. he is probably the only one without a current condition... my mom had brain surgery to remove a tumor in her brain and it is hard on her to have people say this type of thing to her because she doesn't fully understand at all what she is doing... my sister has some signs of ADD but she does awsome work in school and she is an overachiever she does more than enough, and also doesn't get much credit... I have said all I can to try to tell you my problem and that I am trying to fix it the best I can, some people just have a common mind set that they just don't want to fix themselves. As I have contiunally said my illness is so severe that I can't easily control it by flipping a switch I have to work at it hard and be totally committed to change in order for me to change anything... as for consequential action I don't know what I have said to make anyone think that I have done wrong... All I have said is that it is harder for me to control than change... I could go on but from now on if it has to relate with my family then I shall involve my family too as they can't stand this reason why I have been so depressed over a chat room wait till they get ahold of this... I may ban myself from this disscussion and have them discuss this with you since Fox thinks it is my family and not me...
P.S faery I have NOTHING to do with you being on the streets. not my fault in anyway that was you choice alone not me helping you make it. you are just trying to pin guilt on me.
El Conquest
on Jun 23, 2006
Quoting my mother.
ask them why are they making such a big issue about this? you should be able to say that you have ADHD and Depression and it is under control... tell them that it is an insult that what they are saying is that you are not intellegent... Tell them that you have been through school and in your senior year and no one has kicked you out yet...
this is what my mother says about all of this...
El Conquest
on Jun 23, 2006
Look everyone knows full well what the fuck depression is but thats no excuse to treat people like shit. Stay home and off the internet if your going to start treating everyoner like dumb asses and you know it all. I find you to be either over medicated or under medicated. All of this is due to your fucked up family you have.
Now if you can once again control yourself by all means as I said we will let you come back to chatroom. Sending me PM after PM posting message after message covering the same bloody thing is not winning you any understanding nor is anyone going to care. Pushing this down our throats is totally uncalled for and will not be tolerated. All your posts will be moderated from now on. You are now also restricted from posting anything for 2 days. Come back and repeat ANY OF THIS BULLSHIT and you will be suspended for 1 full week. If you come back again repeating same actions you will be suspended for 30 days. Spam the forums and your warning level will increase further reaching 5 site has option to review your past history and ban if need be. Otherwise 10 warnings will be a banning for good no turninng back.
This what you want? Its what you will get thats for sure.
I will post this over insulting PM here... I know full well what I am saying is true my mother has said
do they think you are harrassing people because of this? this makes me think that they are children who don't even understand
I will let my father in on this after work..
this is the forum post against me...
The Bill of Rights. and Declaration of Independance
Amendement I
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.
Amendement IV
The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. — That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, — That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness.
I'm sure DF has never heard of this Bill of Rights yet he lives in the United States...
Patrick Henry relates this on his "Give Me Liberty or Give Me Death" speach http://libertyonline.hypermall.com/henry-liberty.html
on Jun 23, 2006
[A copy from the Neotech Gaming.com thread.]
Hello. Um...El Conquest...not to pass judgement, but I'm just being neutral... take this from someone that's been "outside" this group for awhile (since the inception of The Highjack Crew at GalCiv2) so I haven't read the whole history; just what's in the Neotech thread so far.
Many of us cannot totally relate to your issues and probably don't feel like it (for it was a game and fun that originally brought us together).
You seem to agree that we cannot relate.
Thus I recommend, without trying to be a smart___ that you visit some forums at other websites that deal with the sorts of issues that you are going through.
Many of us here can't relate, don't feel like relating, and aren't qualified to diagnose and give corrective measures. many of us want to focus on games and fun current events.
Also...when I was younger I was shy and awkward and quiet some times. I often focused on poetry and various philosophical quotes. I believed that most women actually cared about poetry and thus I tried to impress some. I thought other people might appreciate my "deep" philosophical quotes.
I grew out of all that and found as I lost my interest in it all my self esteem grew greater. People around me wanted to join in my laughter and talk. They now approached my group as opposed to me looking in from the outide some where.
In general people want to join happiness and confidence even more than intelligence and sensitivity...but you can still secretely have these also.
El Conquest
on Jun 23, 2006
Wade I am now excerising my right as a U.S. Citizen to use the constitution to back me... neotech as far as I can tell is based in the United States and therefore should follow contitutional rights and abide by them..Thinking about how corporations work in America this dosen't effect the working man's hierarchy.
on Jun 23, 2006
-----Actually businesses can reserve the right to refuse service to anyone. Amendment I says "Congress" shall make...not "Businesses".
-----As an employee some where you don't get all your rights because companies set their own rules within the boundries of the law. Such as issues regarding what is appropriate clothing/attire and language and even topics of discusion. Companies (and even schools) have control over these things with both their employees and customers (and students).
----See my above post again regarding: "In general people want to join happiness and confidence even more than intelligence and sensitivity...but you can still secretely have these also."
El Conquest
on Jun 23, 2006
This is what my family has to say to this site...
My Father
you don't need to be right about anything, and just tell them you don't want anything to do with them anymore...
Desert Fox I don't want to have anything to do with the site anymore...
Desert Fox I don't approve of you thinking that my son is not an awful person he has a mental disorder. ADHD is not a bad condition if you treat it well which as his Mother i have. i'm very insulted by how you treat my son.
I feel you very stupid and unaware of anything,
any of these kids who have to go thought this condition, he is not out to hurt anyone just to talk. what ever happens to any of the other kids is there own problem not his. So, stop blaming him for there situations that they bring on themselves. Think about that for awaile. You personaly make me ill. To me your too judgemental and have no compassion for any off these kids.
you don't seem to intellegent at all. Let's see what his doctor says about you. Your site is made so these kids can talk to each other, but your not letting them.
One more thing my family is not ignorant at all maybe you should look at youself instead of our family. John is not a stupid kid he is very intellegent and takes things very seriously and you insulted him and that's a bad thing for as a 50 year old man. Maybe you should look at yourself more often.
El Conquest
on Jun 23, 2006
I have one more thing before I let this go... Farey I know exactly what depression is I have lived with it for 13 years and believe you me when you say that I don't know after I have already explained what it is sounds awfully stupid to try and combat with no real backup... I have depression but I choose to treat my condition were as you just flutter it and ignore it and smoke to escape from it... the truth is that none of these options work to help the condition but make the situation far worse because nicotine kills brain cells and for that reason, I choose to take medications to eleviate the symptoms of depression... I take Prozac to help increase my level of Seritonin and that keeps me alert which I don't really notice that my ADHD also effects me and will take over when the depression is surpressed... For me it is kind of a balance if you releve on side the other side gains support and I am trying my best to find a balance in medication...
To DeadDodo this IS about my illness because what is effecting my judgement is the depression and ADHD so if I seem to not want to cooperate then that is something beyond my control and I don't have motivation to persue a resoultion right now...
To Wade if you really mean to remain neutral all I can say is you walk a fine line and one which you better not cross either way... I don't know any such forums for this sort of thing and don't have the want to talk to people about this anymore for the reasons that you mesioned
Many of us here can't relate, don't feel like relating, and aren't qualified to diagnose and give corrective measures.
I don't like people pressuring me to change something I can't change and especially when I don't have the motivation to do so...
To Desert Fox weather you choose to believe my mother(no lies that was my mother who wrote that letter, but I cannot force you to believe that it was you will have to just stop making up that I did(I don't think like my mother does at all) I wouldn't have been so considerate I would have Bashed you over the head with a baton if I could.)is you choice I am really getting sick of you cursing out my family and the next step might be more harsh than me telling my parents. I will be to have them take actions against you... I can do that, they don't understand why you have to be so short comming with this I can have them report you for insulting a family name and they can disestablish your site brick by brick too...
To conclude I am seeing a Psychaiatrist for more help on this so I don't need people trying to correct me when that isn't suggested by anyone nor is it fair to me...
on Jun 23, 2006
somehow I doubt this discussion is appropriate for a public forum
El Conquest
on Jun 23, 2006
Doubt is what holds you mind in tyranny... what is so unpublic about Neotech?
There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations. It is a thorn that irritates and hurts; it is a sword that kills.
--Hindu Prince Gautama Siddharta, the founder of Buddhism
Are you afraid that you don't have moderating powers here can't remove things I say here?
It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles. Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you, not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell.
--Siddhartha Buddha
I believe I have turned Buddhist
I do not believe in a fate that falls on men however they act; but I do believe in a fate that falls on them unless they act.
--Siddhartha Buddha
Mark Twain's quotes
Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it's time to pause and reflect.
--Mark Twain
The only way to keep your health is to eat what you don't want, drink what you don't like, and do what you'd rather not.
--Mark Twain
It's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of the fight in the dog.
--Mark Twain
Liars when they speak the truth are not believed.
And now a cutscene from The Flying Spaghetti Monster..
on Jun 24, 2006
Wade, feel free to join us at neotech. Contact me when you join and I'll give you some neocash to get you started. I'm sure Dodo would be more than happy to welcome you into the Hijackers Guild. We have IRC and Teamspeak so you can talk to us live, also the forums have a section for every topic you can think of. We all look foward to seeing you there Wade.
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